There are two worlds that people choose to live in.
The first is love and acceptance. The other is denial.
When you love and accept you are willing to live in the present, with what is. You can see clearly, and see things as they really are and are open and accepting to what is.
Living in denial is the opposite. Everything you do is an attempt to escape your life. It’s an unwillingness to listen to the messages you are receiving in your life, a way to escape from living in the present, from living in truth. Denial takes form is many ways. Drinking, drugs, promiscuity, and enmeshed relationships are some examples. Taken too far, denial can be dangerous, even deadly.
On the other hand, denial is not always a bad thing. Denial also says, “I am too fragile to face what I need to hear, what I need to see, what I need to feel, the lesson to be learned, and the truth I must know.” Denial shelters you when you are not ready, because the fear is bigger than you. The fear of the truth hurting is bigger than you.
In order to move out of denial, to live in truth, you must understand and learn about love and acceptance. Love and acceptance means that you are willing to live with life as it is in the present and acknowledge what is. Loving and accepting also means that there is goodness and not so good. So, examine whether you are too fragile to be open to the less favorable moments of the present and not just the good, for love encompasses all, the good and bad. Don’t be afraid that you will be unable to find love and acceptance. A true heart has compassion.
To move forward, one may want have the willingness to be open and ready to see things as they really are, regardless of whether it is good or not so good, because it is the reality of what is, the truth. It also means that whether it is good or not so good, you have chosen to live in the present, in love and acceptance.